Equity does not exist in households where women make more!

Mom with kids on vacation "Female breadwinners face a much higher risk for burnout, infidelity, and divorce."  When She Makes More ,  Farnoosh Torabi Prince is one of my favorite artists. And, I think that it is genius that the beginning of his famous song, "Let's go crazy" mimics a marriage ceremony. It makes you wonder whether he was suggesting that marriage itself was a path to insanity. If you have forgotten the beginning, here you go, "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today, To get through this thing called "life" Electric word, life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time, But I'm here to tell you  There's something else..." He writes the afterworld in the blank. However, a recent study suggests that "marriage" could be inserted in its place, especially marriage for high earning women. 

Don't let one set back get you down...

Disappointment comes with living
The alternative is fail to try
Simply do your best each time
Then, don't question why
If you know that could have done more
Next time, even the score

Nobody wins every battle,
But know this isn't a war
Continue to believe in God
You wanted this, but He promises more

We all have different journeys
Your intended blessings always come to you
So don't you fret too much child
One contest doesn't determine your value

Hubris is dangerous to catch
It makes you feel invincible
Sometimes God withholds things from us
To remind us of the true principle

He can provide for ALL your needs
According to His riches in glory
Do not let one "loss"
Keep you from remembering the story

You can't always get what you want
But each time you get what you need
So continue to try and be confident
Know that you will ultimately succeed

On your journey you will encounter trials
Indeed you will experience strife
But learn to rejoice in the victories and setbacks
Because my dear, this is called life.
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