A Secret to Working Mom Success: Give Yourself Grace

Me at the White House The other evening I had to attend a board meeting followed by a reception. I participated in the board meeting on the phone. However, I arrived for the reception in person. I was starving. So, I was glad to see that there was quite a spread laid out for our enjoyment. I wound up being the first person in the line to get food.

Motherhood, the greatest gift

My daughter, "The Birthday Girl"
"The days are long, but the years are short." -Gretchen Rubin
Recently, my children and I were in a significant car accident. We all survived without physical injury. However, the stress of it has been overwhelming. And, it has made me even more appreciative of my blessings. And, with "National Daughters' Day" being today, I am incredibly grateful.

Thirteen years ago I became a mom. And from that day on, my life gained. new meaning and added re responsibility. For better or for worse, my heartbeats, my breathes and my decisions became more important. The transformation occurred during the gestational period and became more intense with each contraction and with each push. 

Some people pride themselves on "being the same" as they were years ago. I guess that mindset works for them. However, for me, I can say without equivocation, motherhood changed me. 

Ever since I learned about "National Daughters' Day", I have thought myself to be incredibly lucky. Somehow, the birthday of my only daughter is on September. 25tth--the same day as this new holiday. This year is really special because she turned 13 this year. 

A photo from the early years

This milestone reminds me. of the old adage, "The days are long but the years are short." I can hardly believe that I am the mother of a teenager. It feels like I became a mom only a few years ago. That feeling remains true even though I have chronicled my motherhood journey on this blog.

I am now aware that the next thirteen years of my daughter's life will be much different as will mine. 

Today though, I am savoring the now. On any given day, being a mother is an exercise in confusion and doubt. I am confused about my choices. I doubt whether these choices are worthwhile. Because the job has such meaning, this insecurity can be overwhelming. However, I have received flashes of validation that make me think I am on the right track. 


Daughter with her friends at her birthday party.

I am proud that she is strong, brave, and confident. She has discovered her passion, which is dance. And, she is all about that dance life. I guess that makes me a "Dance Mom" but with less cursing, not as much drama, and less makeup. 

I am incredibly proud that she is kind. Every time I pick her up from an event the organizers tell me how helpful she is. They also say that she is patient with the younger children. It is an overwhelmingly consistent comment. So, I know that it must be true.

My amazing girl...

I am already in awe of her accomplishments. She is a talented dancer, gifted swimmer, and has already been in two national commercials. My job as her mother is to provide her with resources, tools and opportunities so that the reality of her life is consistent with what she dreams.

Now that she is thirteen, I feel like the stakes have been raised. I hope that I remain up for the challenge. 

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Colleen Fedor said…
Beautifully said Chaton!
Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and to comment. Great seeing you the other week. Have a happy Thanksgiving!