Mothering during the Summer

Mom with three kids "Summertime and the livin' is easy..." -Gershwin It's summertime and the living is supposed to be easy. My summer has been anything but.  It's had cloudy days, tearful nights. And questions, lots of questions. It has had lies and betrayals. And relationships that have eroded beyond repair. It has brought me to my knees. And, it has required profound resolve to remember life's true meaning just to make it through. And  required the maturity to do what is right despite what I may be feeling. It has been a lot. It has been incredibly hard. And, it has taught me that I am incapable of being broken. So, even though summertime ain't been easy, this life is to be celebrated. Because like Gloria Gaynor, "I will survive!" And, I have. I am even thriving.

One Secret to a Working Mom's Success: Keep Standing

Me, standing in Barbados

Those of us who live our lives out loud on the internet subject ourselves to scrutiny. Some comment, "Nobody's life is perfect. These posts must be fake," Those making those comments might even be close to us because they "know our business" and they whisper and gossip and say, "she's so fake". 

To those who may read my blog and make such comments, (the trolls) know that I hear you, see you, and completely disagree. 

I am completely authentic. If done right, social media posts are like photographs. They portray a moment in time. They show a part of life. They are not untrue or fake simply because they are not descriptive of every little gory detail. As it relates to me and what I choose to share, I maintain this blog to inspire other working moms and those who are considering this life. I maintain it to let them know that this life is possible. And, I am living this working mom life every single day. There is nothing fake about that.

So, for those who come to this blog for the tea, here is some to sip. Life has taught me that Taylor Swift is right, "haters gonna hate". And those haters may be masquerading as "friends" or "family".  

Mamas, if you find yourself as the victim of hatred, gossip, or those who are conspiring against you, do not let them win. Decide what your goal is and pursue it with laser focus. Know that you have what you need to succeed. And, at the end of the day, keep standing. And, while you're at it, keep smiling. If you can do that, you will win.
