Equity does not exist in households where women make more!

Mom with kids on vacation "Female breadwinners face a much higher risk for burnout, infidelity, and divorce."  When She Makes More ,  Farnoosh Torabi Prince is one of my favorite artists. And, I think that it is genius that the beginning of his famous song, "Let's go crazy" mimics a marriage ceremony. It makes you wonder whether he was suggesting that marriage itself was a path to insanity. If you have forgotten the beginning, here you go, "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today, To get through this thing called "life" Electric word, life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time, But I'm here to tell you  There's something else..." He writes the afterworld in the blank. However, a recent study suggests that "marriage" could be inserted in its place, especially marriage for high earning women. 

An Ode to Memorial Day (and White Jeans)... (Part I)

I have had a soft place in my heart for Memorial Day since becoming an adult and began drinking adult beverages. It is the official beginning of summer. And I have had a crush on summer for sometime. See "Summer is My New Boyfriend") Summer is the time when I can wear shorts, let my hair dry naturally and wear it curly, and wear my white jeans. True confession though, I wore white jeans on our vacation to Clearwater Beach, Florida last month.

I love my white jeans. I got lucky an scored a boot cut pair by Elie Tahari several years ago and I try to wear them as often as the fashion rules allow. As InStyle magazine points out they can be sporty, dressy, or sexy. They are universal. And they scream "warm weather"! InStyle Magazine "How to Wear White Jeans"

Even though I pride myself on being appropriate and knowing fashion rules, the white jean thing is somewhat of a moving target. Some people insist that Memorial Day is the beginning of white jean season other people say the season begins with Easter.

 What do you say?


Erika said…
Southern – white jeans after Easter.

Northern – Memorial Day.