Equity does not exist in households where women make more!

Mom with kids on vacation "Female breadwinners face a much higher risk for burnout, infidelity, and divorce."  When She Makes More ,  Farnoosh Torabi Prince is one of my favorite artists. And, I think that it is genius that the beginning of his famous song, "Let's go crazy" mimics a marriage ceremony. It makes you wonder whether he was suggesting that marriage itself was a path to insanity. If you have forgotten the beginning, here you go, "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today, To get through this thing called "life" Electric word, life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time, But I'm here to tell you  There's something else..." He writes the afterworld in the blank. However, a recent study suggests that "marriage" could be inserted in its place, especially marriage for high earning women. 

Toddler Tales: Outdoor Sports

We live near some tennis courts. We pass those tennis courts nearly ever time we take a walk and/or go to the playground. One of the first signs of Spring is when you see people playing on the courts. Often, there are several couples' game going. some of the folks are really good, some are average, but seem excited to play. They seem to be having a great time.

My toddler has decided that she needs to play tennis.

My energetic, adventurous toddler has never appreciated when others are having more fun than she is. So, she has decided that she needs to play tennis. Every time we walk by she says, "I want to play tennis." I had been able to buy me some time with the mother's favorite phrase, "We'll go later." I started throwing in, "We'll go later with daddy." Since Andre's been gone a lot remodeling his parents' bathroom, that has been helpful. That worked for a while. However, lately she's become more insistent.

She's apparently decided that we don't need daddy to play tennis, we should be able to play by ourselves. I think she noticed that some people seemed to be having a fine time playing with just two people. Finally, I gave in. I have negotiated with a lot of high powered attorneys, but nobody drives as hard a bargain as my toddler. Below are a few photos from our "tennis adventure".

Toddler enjoying a Spring day and the tennis court!
The toddler plotting her tennis career.
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Steve Finnell said…
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Chasing Joy said…
She sounds like a bright young lady who knows how to get what she wants. Good Job mom.
She definitely knows what she wants an believes that she should get it. She's head and shoulders above the rest of us!