Equity does not exist in households where women make more!

Mom with kids on vacation "Female breadwinners face a much higher risk for burnout, infidelity, and divorce."  When She Makes More ,  Farnoosh Torabi Prince is one of my favorite artists. And, I think that it is genius that the beginning of his famous song, "Let's go crazy" mimics a marriage ceremony. It makes you wonder whether he was suggesting that marriage itself was a path to insanity. If you have forgotten the beginning, here you go, "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today, To get through this thing called "life" Electric word, life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time, But I'm here to tell you  There's something else..." He writes the afterworld in the blank. However, a recent study suggests that "marriage" could be inserted in its place, especially marriage for high earning women. 

Loving Your Newborn Baby...

Never fear blog readers. I am writing Part II of "The Tales of Natural Childbirth". However, it is hard to find the time .

Babies can be Messy, Stinky and Time Consuming

My days are filled with diaper changes—the dirty, the messy, and the stinky. I also do a lot of breast feeding—the necessary, the wonderful, and the demanding. Then there’s the breast pumping.  It is tortuous, inconvenient, and time consuming. 
While less fun than the fist pumping done by "The Situation" and "Snooki" on the Jersey Shore, I often feel about as silly as they look when I do that particular deed.  In my spare time I wash clothes, cook and clean. I sleep when I can. On top of all of that I work outside of the home.  Then, every day, I wake up to do the same things again. Not to whine but, I could really use a clone.

I wonder if I’d already be done writing that natural childirth piece if I stopped the whining??? NAH!!!

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Unknown said…
Tell me about it! I have all these fabulous posts brewing and for some reason I whine about posting them more than actually writing!!!

Make the time now, because it does not get any easier as they get older!!!
Anonymous said…
"One question which will put things in perspective: Would you go back to the old days??"