
A Secret to Working Mom Success: Give Yourself Grace

Me at the White House The other evening I had to attend a board meeting followed by a reception. I participated in the board meeting on the phone. However, I arrived for the reception in person. I was starving. So, I was glad to see that there was quite a spread laid out for our enjoyment. I wound up being the first person in the line to get food.

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Campaigning to Improve Oral Health with LISTERINE® Brand

Working Mom Tips: Five Ways to Keep Your Family Safe When the Flu, Enterovirus D68 and Ebola Exist in the World

A Peek Into the Life of Working Mom: Fatigue and the Working Mom

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Coping With a Sick Child

A Working Mom Shares Vacation Memories on a Winter Day... (#Winter)

Four Ways Working Moms Can Protect Their Children During Flu Season

Working Mom Tips: Making Dinner

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: 4th of July Weekend

Top 15 Tips My Parents Taught Me

Working Mom Tip: Get More Sleep

Toddler Tales: True Confessions of an Injury

Book Review: The Antidote: Happiness For People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman

Mommy Mondays: Introducing Your Baby to Solid Foods

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: We Are Usually Late to Parties...

Holiday Deal From Harmony Salon

A Recipe For Glamorous Holiday Hair in Five Minutes (guest post by Harmony Kaiser)

Five Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain During the Holidays (#TeamJenny)

Friday Tip: Style Tip For Busy Women (Guest Post from Harmony)

A Gift for Blog Readers From 2 Sisters Cosmetics

Friday Tip from Michelle Obama: Get Up at 4:30 AM and Workout!