
A Secret to Working Mom Success: Keep Dancing!

  Life is a journey that can be full of unexpected twists and turns. We have to learn to navigate them with the skills of a NASCAR driver and the temperament of a Buddhist priest.-- ChatĆ³n T. Turner

My Biggest Blog News Yet, Being a Part of Disney Social Media Moms (#DisneySMMC)

Wednesday Reflections: Spring time in Pittsburgh

Working Mom Confession: Prince was my first boyfriend

When "Real Life" and Blogging Collide on Equal Pay

Wordless Wednesday: My Mommy Friends

Wordless Wednesday: Weekend photos

It's Equal Pay Day and We Have a Long Way to Go Baby!

Working Mom Dilemma: Be devoted to your work or your family? Apparently, it's your choice.

Working + Motherhood = Two Full Time Jobs

San Francisco passes Paid Parental Leave Law #PaidLeave

Wordless Wednesday: My Daughter and I at The UPMC Children's Ball

Having Babies Disrupts The Lives of Even the Most Organized Mamas