
A Secret to Working Mom Success: Give Yourself Grace

Me at the White House The other evening I had to attend a board meeting followed by a reception. I participated in the board meeting on the phone. However, I arrived for the reception in person. I was starving. So, I was glad to see that there was quite a spread laid out for our enjoyment. I wound up being the first person in the line to get food.

Upcoming Television Appearance: Why America Needs to Support Flex Time (#NightTalk)

Upcoming Television Appearance: Working Mothers Who Want to "Opt Back In" to the Workforce

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: My Appearance on PCNC Night Talk

Upcoming Television Appearance: What Does it Mean Now That 40% of Moms are the Primary Breadwinner in Their Household?

READING ON THE RUN: Is Flexible Work a Mere Memory???