
Advice to Employers: Please Create Policies Assuming All Worker Are Single

Me and my daughter Motherhood is harder than it needs to be. This is partially because of the inexcusable work/life policies in the U.S., but also because of our own outsized expectations. We are living in an age when the ideal mom is a mash-up between the helicopter mom, the corporate exec, and the earth mama — and there's just not enough high-efficiency, low-emissions biofuel to go around.  –Elissa Strauss,  Why I don't want 'mom friends' We just celebrated "Mother's Day" and honored mothers and other women who help make the world and our families a better place. Every year at this time, I think about what mothers really need to be successful and independent. I say, "independent" because developing policies and legislation that are premised on the notion that all working moms have supportive families and/or spouses is not in the best interest of working moms. Instead, Corporate America and Congress should develop policies and legislation that p

Mom Resources: What to Expect When You're Expecting Can Help You Raise Your Kid too!

Mega Monday!

I Finally Hit 1,000 Twitter Followers!

More Sleep for Mommy!

Let's Make it Happen This Monday Morning!

Tip: Paid Opportunity for a Lucky Blogger

Mommy Confession: I Want an iPhone badly!!!

Twitter Tuesday!

Tis the Season for Christmas Cards!

Twitter Tuesday!

Contest Results: Proud of our Little Ladybug!

Thirsty Thursdays (a/k/a a mom seeking votes!)

All is fair in love and baby contests (a/k/a "Go little ladybug go!!!)

The Cutest Baby In the World!

Emergency Room Trip With Baby

Unlikely Friendships...

I Want That Doggie in The Window...

Burlesque isn't just a dance...

Five Lessons for Using Facebook and Maintaining Your Relationship

Faith, guns, and money...